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9 lessons


Have your ever dreamed about starting and succeeding in your own dream business ... but were overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. Let me take you step by step along your path of the Entrepreneur Hero's Journey where I provide you both the business skills of opportunity recognition and business planning as well as the personal development skills of confidence, perseverance and optimal productivity.

The Introduction presents the historical and contemporary significance of the Hero's Journey, which involves the call to action for a bold adventure and the overcoming of adversity to success. This is not only the storyline of mythology and popular media, but the tale of all human achievement. The Introduction also discusses the 7 Keys or P's to entrepreneurial success: Positive Attitude, Perseverance, customer focused selection and positioning of your Product, Purchaser (customer) acquisition, Planning (your business plan), Proactive execution and Pivoting (changing certain aspects of your business in reaction to market feedback) .
