Have You Always Wanted Your Own Business, But Don't Know Where to Start?
And You're Not Really Sure You Can Finish?
Commit to Your AI Entrepreneur Hero's Journey Program* and Succeed in Your Dream Business!
*Program includes detailed presentation of the exciting new entrepreneurial possibilities created by AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Learn to sidestep your fears and doubts. Convert your dream into a profitable business with proven lean start-up processes and strategies. Embark on your own successful Entrepreneur Hero's Journey!
Have You Had A Great Idea for a New Business, But Felt Completely OVERWHELMED?

That's probably because starting a new business can be overwhelming! Start-ups face tremendous uncertainty, infinite To-Dos, tough competition and the terrifying risk of failure. And you're not quite sure where to turn for help! The Internet actually has too much business start-up information. Also you never know just how reliable this information is and whether the provider is more motivated to earn commissions by recommending affiliate products than in actually helping you.

- Information overload: There is so much information available on business startups that it's easy to simply become lost in it. You spend valuable time reading through numerous articles and posts while trying to organize and make notes for reference and you are left without a comprehensive plan.
- Where do I start?: The overload of information leaves you stranded from a starting point. You keep plowing through information and tips, but nothing comprehensive to plan your steps to success and actually get started.
- Hard to Understand: Some of the information uses certain buzzwords and jargon that can be unnecessarily complicated and difficult to understand. And doesn't all instructional information seem to assume that you know something that you actaully don't?
- Personal Productivity Skills Not Addressed: Most startup material only addresses the business side of entrepreneurship. However, your personal productivity, self management and execution skills are often more important to the success of your business then the strategic business decisions themselves. That's for you to learn in another book or resource, but who has the time?
- Can I trust the information?: As you know, there are no retrictions or accuracy guidelines on much online content. In my experience, some of the information on business startups is helpful while other sites that I have reviewed are totally useless. Also there are many business information sites whose sole purpose is to hustle you for some speculative business opportunity or push affiliate sales where they eceive a commission.
- No one seems to really understand how difficult a startup is: Many "experts" assume you have unlimited resources to devote to a startup and provide advice that is both expensive and very time consuming to implement. Also there isn't any "heart" or feelings in the often dry advice.
- Can Anyone Guide Me?: You don't need to be chastised for past failures or just given general suggestions on business startups. You need a mentor who understands your challenges and helps you with the necessary steps of your Entrepreneur Hero's Journey, to address the inevitable obstacles along the way and successfully launch and succeed in your business.
The AI Entrepreneur Hero's Journey Course
The AI Entrepreneur Hero's Journey Course is not a typical business course, but integrates both entrepreneurial and personal development techniques into the unique Hero's Journey Entrepreneurial Success System (TM), to champion your inner hero and guide you to success, not just in any business, but in the business of Your Dreams. The course will accelerate your Call to Action and provide a step-by-step guide for your Entrepreneur Hero's Journey; that includes customer problem or need based opportunity recognition, market research and segmentation, customer-focused product development and positioning, the purchaser acquisition channels and process, financial analysis and finally the preparation of your Lean Business Plan or Traditional Business Plan from which to launch your business. Unlike other entrepreneurship courses, there is also an in depth presentation of the self managment skills for business success that include a positive attitude, perseverance and proactive and strategic execution and pivoting skills; all in the context of discovering or rediscovering your inner hero identity which greatly boosts your chances for success.
Never forget that you ARE a HERO because ENTREPRENEURS are the HEROES of the free enterprise system!
Commit to The AI Entrepreneur Hero's Journey and Change Your Life!
Your hero's journey begins with your CALL TO ADVENTURE. I want to serve as your MENTOR, to help you CROSS the THRESHHOLD into the UNKNOWN WORLD of the HERO ENTREPRENEUR. I will guide you to navigate the many TRIALS facing a start-up and assist in your GROWTH and development of NEW SKILLS and finally your REBIRTH, REVELATION and GETTING the GIFT of being a successful entrepreneur. (adapted from Joseph Campbell's Monomyth from The Hero With a Thousand Faces)
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
Upon registering, you will receive immediate and lifetime access to The Entrepreneur Hero's Journey Progam, which consists of over 9 hours of quality video content, numerous handouts and guides, as well as a written summary of the course and several templates that you can use to prepare your business plan. There are also several self development modules which blend the latest of lean business planning and build-measure-learn techniques to assist in your execution and productivity. There is also a special section on Artificial Intellignce ("AI"), to both use in the preparation of your business plan as well as factored into your business as the technology continues to develop. There is also a bonus Accounting Whiz Kid course to teach you, in just 60 minutes, the basics of financial accounting, which is the language of business. Finally, there is a weekly mentoring Zoom call to assit in your in your Entrepreneur's Hero Journey of starting and succeeding in your dream business.
Entrepreneurship Success Tools
You will learn the fundamentals of opportunity recognition, market reasearch and segmentation and business planning that you need for your successful entrepreneur hero's journey.
Customized Business Plan
You will be provided all of the information, anaylsis and templates and outlines to complete either your Lean Business Plan or Traditional Business Plan, depending on your needs.
Productivity Guide
With self management tools and techniques just as important as business managment techniques, this course will teach you strategies for optimal productivity and execution.
Productivity Guide
With self management tools and techniques just as important as business managment techniques, this course will teach you strategies for optimal productivity and execution.
Confidence to Succeed
The most vlauable intangible of the course is that it helps you actually become your hero by instilling a positive, confident attitude to succeed on your hero's journey and sidestep your fears and face your inevitable obstacles along the way.
Learn Financial Accounting - the Language of Business
Pitch your accounting tests and learn the basics of financial accounting in just 1 hours , with the award winning Accounting WhizKid course. You will understand the tricky double entry bookkeeping system as well as basic financial statements.
Don't Fear the Reaper : Artificial Intelligence ("AI")
Course Will Provide Strategies to Implement AI in Your Business Plan and Your Business.
AI is a disruptive technolgy, attracting huge investments in the current AI "gold rush," just like the early Internet days of the mid to late 1990s. But the fate of even some of the most well funded early Internet startups was utlimately decided by the free market and consuming public. Those that could not profitably attract customers by solving their problems or meeting their needs eventually failed. Your call to action on your entrepreneur hero's journey is to successfully address a customer problem or need in your market segment with current technology while looking for opportunites to better serve your market segment as the AI technology continues to evolve. The businesses who own and continue to attract satisfied customers are best positioned to capitalize on AI technology to better serve and provide more value to their customers.
Big Tech is spending billions on AI, which is a truly disruptive technology that will have a profound effect on the economy. A disruptive innovation occurs when a new business model transforms the way that people and businesses operate; which includes new innovations and solutions to challenges. There’s even concern that AI could displace large segments of the workforce. Many of us are currently experimenting with AI with various projects such as resumes, letter writing and even contracts and initial drafts. Many of us feel somewhat paralyzed, hoping that our skill set is not displaced by machines. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Remember when this creation called the Internet first disrupted the economic landscape. Like AI, the Internet had been around for literally decades until Netscape, the first graphical browser, was developed. That set off the Internet goldrush and massive sums were poured into companies that were predicted to totally dominate their economic sector. Some eventually did, like Amazon and Google. But many did not.
That is because consumer demand, what consumers were actually willing to pay for, did not sufficiently materialize for many of the initial Internet high flyers.
Eventually the money ran out and these well funded startups failed, even after astronomical initial valuations. Many of these startups operated on the erroneous premise that they could easily dominate a segment of the market with a generic domain name and a large budget. They incorrectly ASSUMED, that consumers would come flocking because the Internet was just so powerful. These companies did not understand that, even with disruptive technology, consumers still need to be ACQUIRED. In the early Internet days, new customers needed to be carefully coaxed into this new online world with superior value and customer service and persuaded that e-commerce could actually solve their problems and meet their needs. The premiere example of a startup which understood customer acquisition is Amazon, which started as an online bookstore and then eventually expanding into everything else. Amazon focused on acquiring and delighting customers with the convenience, reliability and over the top customer service.
Despite all the promise and hype, paying AI customers are still going to have to be ACQUIRED. Those businesses and entrepreneurs with an existing, satisfied customer base will have a much easier time selling AI solutions or products to their market segment. That could be your business!
The AI Entrepreneur Hero's Journey Course Will Position You to Exploit Disruptive Technology
If your waiting for the the perfect time to start your business, you may be waiting a long time. Commit to your Hero's Journey and determine how AI could assist in your product development or as part of your business solution, if applicable. The focus should always be on customer acquisition in your niche or market segment. If you have satisfied customers in your niche, then you can sell potential AI solutions to them and even position your business (primarily your customers) for sale. The smaller companies who eventually grew larger effectively served their customers by addressing a customer need or problem. Controlling the customers is just as important as controlling the technology. Like the Internet, AI technology will eventually become widespread and to some extent commoditized even possibly as a backend utility. But an acquired receptive and satisfied customer base has temendous value since it cannot be easily duplicated. It's much easier to sell solutions to customers who already know and trust your business.
This Course Will Help You Access Your Inner Hero!
You have a brain more capable, more original and more complex than any AI system. This course will teach you to optimize and couple your brain with your heart and access your inner hero as well as provide a detailed path for your Entrepreneur Hero's Journey.
You have everything inside of you to succeed in business. No matter what your background, education or resources are, there are people with less advantages than you that started and succeeded in their own business. They were able to access their inner hero and leverage their skills and resources with the desire and belief of their inner hero into a successful business.
Mastering entrepreneurship and business skills is only half of the journey of a successful business. The other half is mastering your internal resources and accessing your inner hero with positive beliefs and perseverance skills that will lead you to persist in developing a successful business.
For a free outline of this course and to be place on the Hero's Journey mialing list, please complete the information below.
Here’s what people are saying about the course
Ezra Hodge

Business How-To on Steroids
Tim's course was like a self-help book combined with a business how-to on steroids. It got me un-blocked and back in the game. Thanks Tim
Rick Mekdessie

Hero's Framework for the Solopreneur
Look, it's not easy being a solopreneur. It sucks sometimes. This course helped me feel a part of something bigger. It gave me a vision, a framework, the Hero's framework.
Karen Richard

My Business is Also About Me
I realized too late inot my own business that I hadn't thought enough about me. This course helped to change that.
The Entrepreneur Hero's Journey Course
Module 1: Course Introduction
The Introduction presents the historical and contemporary significance of the Hero's Journey, which involves the call to action for a bold adventure and the overcoming of adversity to success. This is not only the storyline of mythology and popular media, but the tale of all human achievement. The Introduction also discusses the 7 Keys or P's to entrepreneurial success: Positive Attitude, Perseverance, customer focused selection and positioning of your Product, Purchaser (customer) acquisition, Planning (your business plan), Proactive execution and Pivoting (changing certain aspects of your business in reaction to market feedback) .
Module 2: Positive Attitude/Habits
This module discusses the proper entrepreneurial mindset and emphasizes the enduring importance of a positive attitude, particularly as a basis for success. There is a detiailed discussion of the self help industry and the emergence of positive thinking. The module aslo discusses the problem of negative beliefs, which unfortunately plague all of us as well as the solution of developing positive habits to reinforce positive beliefs.
Module 3: Perseverance
Perseverance or grit is the single most important quality of the entrepreneur, and is the secret for outstanding acheivement. It is the ability to hold and pursue the same top level goal for a long time. Perseverance is particularly in the Build/Measure/Learn approach to business in which failure is often your best teacher.
Module 4: Product/Positioning
This module discusses the customer focused product development techniques. The goal of a startup is to pick out the product(s) (Minimum Viable Product) that customers will pay for as quickly as possible. Your product starts with your vision, which is then guided by reseach and product positioning.
Module 5: Purchaser (Customer) Acquisition Process
This two part module address the Purchaser acquisition process, in which your business attracts and retains purchasers or customers. There is also an in depth discussion of the various purchaser acquisition channels, which includes content marketing (blogging, videos), social media marketing (organic and paid), search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC), email marketing, advertsing and public relations. There is also a presentation on measuring the key Performance Indicators or KPI based on your marketing activities.
Module 6: Business Planning
Your research and analysis from the previous modules will culminate in the preparation of your business plan and extensively discussed in this two part module. Your business plan will reflect the problem that your business solves and well as an analysis of your industry and target market. The plan also includes a financial summary for your business. Also, as part of a course bonus, there will be the a special one hour course on financial acounting fundamentals in the form of the Accounting Whiz Kid course. There is a presentation of both the Lean Business Plan, for those wanting to start their business quickly as possible, and the more detailed Traditional Business Plan, for those who are seeking outisde funding or investors.
Module 7: Proactive (Execution)
Execution of your business plan is the focus of this module and the importance of being proactive. The entrepreneur needs to act decisively and even heroically to help drive the results of the business. This course will teach you that even if you don't feel like a hero; then fake it, not just until you make it, but fake it until you become it. This module will give tips on being proactive, whcih gives your business has a much greater chance of success. Some of these tips include the 80/20 Pareto principle, techniques for overcoming resistance and rituals to help you become a proactive hero.
Module 8: Pivoting Your Business
Pivoting involves changing certain aspects of your business based upon market feedback. All businesses pivot to some extent, which can involve tweaking the marketing message to a major change in direction of the business. The module will address items such as when and how to pivot and as well as effective pivoting strategies.
Module 9: Artificial Intelligence "AI" (Incorporating AI Into Your Business Plan)
With the explosive popularity of such AI sites as ChatGPT and the rush of investment into AI companies and applications, the chatter on "AI" has reached a fever pitch. While AI is currently showing tremendous promise in handling repetitive, data-driven tasks and making data-driven decisions, the full extent of its ability to replace human processes is not known. This module will illustrate how to use AI in your business planning in assisting with copy and advertising preparation, performing market research and other aspects of preparing your business plan. Also there is discussion on using AI to assist in your buisness and offer solutions to your customer.
Below are some bonuses registering for The Entrepreneur Hero's Journey. The bonuses listed below are extremely helpful to entreprneurs.
Financial accounting course : Accounting Whiz Kid
Learn financial accounting in one hour with the amazing Accounting Whiz Kid course which greatly simplifies accounting from the bulky testbooks.
You will be a much better entreprepreur by becoming financially literate, that is comfortable with balance sheets and income statements. Note that double entry bookkeeping can be a bit tricky with accounting debits and credits which are the opposite of bank statments. The vusually appealing Accounting Whiz Kid course is completely free as a bonus.
Handouts, Notes, Guides
There are numerous written handouts, notes and guides to all of the lecture material. I provide this information to make it as easy as possible for your to absorb the material, prepare your written business plan and then to dive into your business.
About The Course Teacher, Tim Burns
Tim Burns, CPA, MBA, JD, is an accomplished and recognized business professor, speaker, and author with a track record of representing and guiding many entrepreneurs towards success. He also served as an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Tulane University School of Business.
Tim has published two books on entrepreneurship: Break the Curve: The Entrepreneur’s Blueprint on Small Business Success and entrepreneurship.com. entrepreneurship.com.
Tim also recognizes the integral role that self-management skills such as goal setting, optimal performance, and perseverance play in achieving triumph. He has devoted years to studying and presenting on this crucial topic and his self-development book, Mid-Life Tune Up, further solidifies his commitment to empowering individuals to reach their full potential.
Tim seamlessly blends the subjects of entrepreneurship and personal empowerment in his educational programs and materials to maximize your chance of success in the ever-evolving business landscape.
Lastly, Tim loves teaching and he loves his students and sincerely wants them to learn and succeed. His material is concise and well organized and he employs all learning methods: visual, kinesthetic and auditory in presenting the information to maximize learning and retention. He also provides students with outlines and transcripts to reinforce their understanding, so that they can immediately begin implementing the techniques.
Tim firmly believes that there is a hero inside all of us. His ultimate goal is to unlock the hero within his students, empowering them to conquer the business world and live the life they've always dreamed of. Through his transformative e-learning courses, Tim invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, knowledge, and unwavering success. Are you ready to unleash your inner hero? Join Tim's courses today and embark on a remarkable path to greatness.


Tulane University Course Catalog
MGMT 3010 Entrepreneurship: The Hero's Journey (3 hours): Prof. Tim Burns
Tuition for Course: $4818
($1606 per credit hour)
MGMT 3010 blends traditional business planning and management with self management in the preparation of a buisness plan for a start up business. Concepts from a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, accounting, finance, marketing and management. Topics such as market analysis and segmentation, product postioning, customer acquisition, and business planning are covered in a lecture, discussion and problem-solving framework. There is also discussion of essential self-managment skills such as a postive attitude, goal setting, perseverance and execution strateigies. This course includes the preparation of a business plan.
Does MGMT 3010 Sound Familiar?
The tuition for taking my popular entrepreneurship course at Tulane University, which many students did, was $4818. But I want to offer you basically this same course online for a fraction of the cost, so that it is more accessible to anyone with the dream of starting and succeeding in their own business. I also make every effort to replicate the university version MGMT 3010 in the online course, including the preparation of extensive notes, handouts and guides as well as provide email support and a monthly forum to answer questions. The online course still presents the same prnicples discussed in the classroom, as well as some of the bonus content, including the accounting whiz kid.
75 (3 payments)
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
We know that you’ll love the course The Entrepreneur Hero's Journey as much as we do. In fact, if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with The Entrepreneur Hero's Journey, just request a refund within 30 days and we’ll issue a full refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
You have lifetime access to the course as well as any updates.
Yes. You can cancel your purchase after 30 days and receive a full refund.
The course is self paced. There are 10 modules to the course (counting Module 5 - Customer Acquisition which is a 2 part module) that that range from appoximately 30 minutes to 60 minutes in length. There are also exercises assiciated with some of the modules. If you devote 30-60 minutes per day, you can have a completed business plan for your dream business in two to three weeks.
Yes, there is contact information that is provided to you which gives customer support options for the course.
Yes. There is a facebook group of course attendees that will allow you to interact with other attendees of this course.
This course has literally Yes. There is a facebook group of course attendees that will allow you to interact with other attendees of this course.
This course has literally Yes. There is a facebook group of course attendees that will allow you to interact with other attendees of this course.
There are numerous outlines, transcripts and notes provided as well as sample business plan templates to assist you in completion of the course and the preparation of your buisness plan.
There are numerous outlines, transcripts and notes provided as well as sample business plan templates to assist you in completion of the course and the preparation of your buisness plan.
The Feature Highlights
I firmly believe that there is a hero inside of ALL OF US. This course will help you ignite your hero self and pursue your unique purpose in prusuing and fulfilling the dreams of your Hero's Journey.
entreprenur hero's journey guide
This course will guide you along every step of your Hero's Journey seamless integrating the business planning and personal development skills necessary to succeed in your Hero's Journey and the successful starting and succeeding in your dream business.
mentoring program
As a special bonus for taking advantage of this introductory offer, there will be weekly mentoring email zoom calls to answer questions and provide guidance.
Success tools
Success tools provided inculde notes, handout and a customized business plan which sets out your strategy, tactics, milestones and stepping stones to guide you to success n your journey.
75 (3 payments)
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
Your personal note
I firmly beliive that there is a hero inside of all of us and I want to help you access your hero. I have taught, written and studied entrepreneurship and self development for decades and this course if the culmination of my efforts. I love my students and want you to succeed. Please allow me to help ignite the hero inside you and gudie you along your Entrepreneur Hero's Journey.