What is the Hero’s Journey?

The concept of the Hero's Journey was popularized by Joseph Campbell, a scholar of mythology,  in his book "The Hero with a Thousand  Faces."  Later, journalist and former Presidential press secretary, Bill Moyers narrated a PBS series called "The Power of Myth," which featured interviews with Joseph Campbell discussing various aspects of mythology, religion and the hero's journey.

The series received tremendous praise according to Moyers, who added that numerous people told him that the series changed their life.  Moyers felt this deep impact was due to the ability of myths to tap into  deeply held beliefs and values, evoking a sense of sacredness within us. He further suggested that myths connect us to something powerful and universal within ourselves.

The steps of the Hero's Journey illustration above include

Call to Adventure  

All of us have a call to adventure, our sacred mission in our life based on our deeply held beliefs and values.  These are your important life goals and dreams based on your core convictions.  Sadly, many of us ignore or detour from our Call to Adventure, when sometimes life and our own insecurities get in the way.

Crossing the Threshold

This huge step involves crossing over from the known world into the unknown world in pursuit of our dreams.  This generally requires the courage to face down our fears which are natural when the quest for our goals drags us into unfamiliar territoy.    

Like our mythological hero, it is important to face down your fears, when descending into the unknown world, as this quote by Joseph Campbell so adeptly summarizes the Hero's Journey, because  "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."  Our fear of failure can be so paralyzing, according to slef help author Dorthea Brand, that we never pursue our most deeply held goals.  The key is to act as if you cannot fail. 

The Abyss: Challenges and Temptations

Even our real life heroes, people that many have admired over the years, have faced tremendous obstacles, challenges and temptations in pursuit Of their goals and aspirations.  It is generally during this critical time that our heroes have been able to reach inside that reservoir of the deeply held beliefs, their hero self, and find a way to persevere and be back the challenges.  We are all familiar with the Hero's of our popular culture such as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars and Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games,  who were able to persevere in the face of enormous challenges. Also I doubt that you would find any biography of well respected person who didn't contain very similar situation.  

Transformation, Atonement and Return

The images of exhausted athletes, covered in perspiration and sometimes even blood, hoisting their hands or a trophy in victory are enduring, as are the iconic movie images of the destruction of the Death Star  in Star Wars or the battered Rocky refusing to quit.  Who can forget, the dimunitive shepherd boy who challenged the mighy Goliath on behalf of his people. 

Your Hero's Journey

All hero's are really ordinary people who believed and persevered and did extraardinary things.   It's not just historical or mythological hero's, but everday people just like you and me, who responded to their call to adventure, had the courage and faith to enter the unknown world, were abe to prevail against  challenges and setbacks were successful in their hero's journey.  You can too.  We all have a hero inside us, and I can help you access your hero. 

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